Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How to Make Her Orgasm in the Brute Sex Position!

!±8± How to Make Her Orgasm in the Brute Sex Position!

Already as you are looking at learning how to make her orgasm in the Brute Sex Position you may begin to see and she will definitely notice some very subtle changes in the way that you treat the entire sexual experience.

Believe it or not, the exotic sex position known as the Brute indicates your willingness to play and experience sex in a playful and interesting way while at the same time allowing her to experience and realize all of the strength and power of your masculinity.

Still yet you picture learning how to make her orgasm in the Brute sex position as a new way to bring her pleasure which is why you will be glad to know that as you continue to read these words as they appear you will learn even more ways to bring her sexual bliss that will have both her body and mind craving you even more than you can imagine.

How to Make Her Orgasm in the Brute Sex Position!

As you can imagine just by the name alone the Brute sex position is one of the tougher man-on-top sex positions that you can get into, yet when you experience what it's like to make her orgasm in this way you will be glad you went through all of this effort in order to please her.

How to Get Into the Brute Sex Position:

The way to get into this position is going to be by squatting over her (facing away from her) while resting on the back of her legs, which will be brought towards her chest to expose them at a very interesting angle.

When to Experience the Brute Sex Position:

Needless to say this can be a challenging position for the woman that you are with to get into depending on her flexibility, in addition the angle can be a particularly challenging one for penetration as well. That's why one of the best way to explore this pose is through playing, more specifically role-playing. For a variety of known and unknown reasons, women have a tendency to let go and get into character fully when rather than simply having sex the two of you are engaged in some naughty role-playing.

One of the best role-playing games you can choose for this one is Yoga teacher and student engaged in some Thai-Massage. You really don't need to know what Thai-Massage is all you really need to know is that you are going to eventually put her in a "Happy Baby" pose as you then help assist her get even further into the pose by resting on the back of her legs as you squat over her (facing away from her).

When Not To Experience the Brute Sex Position:

Some women get a feeling of suffocation when they bring their knees that close to their chest or simply lack the flexibility to get into this position. If that happens to be the case with the woman that you are with then you will have to choose another exotic sex position to enjoy. Unless you find that she has newfound flexibility and openness when rather than this being a sexual position it just happened to be something that the two of you got into during an innocent session of "role-playing".

Hopefully by now you are beginning to realize that when it comes to learning how to make her orgasm, learning a variety of different exotic sex positions like the Brute is just part of the story. Once you become aware of the fact that the more and more you can engage her mind in the art and science of mental sexual foreplay the more easier it will become to bring her into a state of orgasmic bliss in whatever sexual position that you happen to choose.

And as if that wasn't enough you will also be glad to know that once you have her mentally aroused and are ready to engage her in whichever sexual position that you choose at that moment in time you can heighten her sexual sensations simply by applying a high quality female stimulating gel (that contains L-Arginine in it) underneath the hood of her clitoris and let her mind and body move towards heightened state of orgasmic bliss and intense orgasms.

How to Make Her Orgasm in the Brute Sex Position!

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Your Hidden Portal to Peace

!±8± Your Hidden Portal to Peace

Want more peace and joy in your life? Daily stress getting to you? With terrorism, layoffs and pollution, can you feel safe and happy? Yes, you can--by tapping into a little known, and less-used, doorway to internal security. This entry is not really hidden as much as misplaced. As a culture, we've lost the use of this innate inner compass.

We each have our own personal portal to peace. The treasure hunt begins with an inner feeling triggered by outside circumstances. It's a timeless game of internal guidance by external clue. For millennia, ancient civilizations and native peoples have been playing this sport for fun and good fortune.

Don't Shrug off that Weird Feeling!

Have you ever felt a rush of recognition wash over you? Do new people or places seem vaguely familiar? Do you ever get a sense that you've been in this exact situation before?

This strange feeling of connection with places and people is a clue, a flag, a signal. This sense of familiarity marks a gateway to a personal gold mine of clarity and strength.

"It's Deja-vu All Over Again!"

Yogi Bera's famous outburst reminds us of the repeating nature of this phenomenon. The French phrase "deja-vu" literally means "already seen" or "seen before." How? When? Where? These questions invoke the intrigue that gets us to play the gambit of a lifetime--the voyage home.

If approached as such, this feeling of familiarity can be a fortuitous opening or opportunity. This sensibility can be a portal to your intuition and inner wisdom--which, in turn, can help you make the right moves in life to bring you home to yourself safe and sound!

How Does the Game Work?

Act on the sensation of familiarity as you flow through your day. Instead of brushing aside the hazy sense of foreknowledge, follow the lead of these glints of recognition. As in a treasure hunt, one clue leads to the next until you find the prize at the end--your internal center of clarity. Take my recent journey to China, for example.

A Hong Kong Homecoming

One day, "out of the blue" a metaphysical bookstore owner in Hong Kong emails me to come to China to present my workshops at her store after she likes what she reads on my website. Oddly, her name and store don't seem as foreign as her country. My intuition screams "Yes! Go. You know her." My rational mind moans "No!" to the notion of an expensive 19-hour plane ride halfway around the world based on a "hunch." I can't pin down the connection I feel to her or Hong Kong. Yet, because similar subterranean magnetism has led me to many fruitful adventures, I buy my ticket to the Far Out--I mean, the Far East.

Mystery in the Mist

Hong Kong is a funky mix of ultramodern glass and steel--and traditional mud bricks and stone. Appearing and disappearing in the swirling mist shrouding the fabled South China Sea, strangely familiar Chinese junks cruise alongside sleek ocean liners. Impressions coming and going like the boats in the fog, I see details of the inside layout of a sampan--although I've never laid eyes on one before!

Winding my way through narrow alleys cluttered with shacks selling everything from jade to silk, elephant tusks to exotic birds in gilded cages, I sense that I've walked these cobblestone streets long ago. I feel some lost connection with the bizarre goods being hocked so boisterously. At dawn, hundreds of people fill pocketsize parks with the graceful beauty of Tai Chi and Chinese Sword Dance. Goosebumps on my arm inform me that I, too, practiced these arts in some other era.

Open-air fish tanks in front of every restaurant promise fresh, tasty morsels of squid and eel. The pungent smells of savory spiced pigeon ricochet through my sensory memory bank. Surprisingly, it doesn't strike me as unusual to eat the head, feet, ears and nose of fish, pig, dog and insect, as the locals enjoy in this land that is not really as alien as I thought.

I wend my way between sacred stone temples dwarfed by cloud-kissing skyscrapers. Strolling through the eternal beauty and harmony of the shrine gardens, I see flickering images of me trimming the delicate bonsai trees and tending the elegant ponds of coy and turtles graced with waterfalls and high arched footbridges.

The Gang's All Here!

At dawn one day, my odyssey of sensory recall guides me to a train bound for a remote Buddhist shrine in the far countryside. I'm inexplicably compelled to visit this secluded site by the same mystical resonance I'm feeling with other aspects of Chinese culture.

The only way to reach this mountain retreat is to climb a steep footpath that penetrates a dense bamboo rainforest teeming with screeching, brilliantly colored tropical birds. Through a thick mantle of low-lying/flying clouds, I pass scores of human-sized, gold-plated statues of Buddha, situated every few feet on the ascending trail.

Each Buddha strikes a unique pose--some sitting in the traditional cross-legged position, while others laugh uproariously, or wrap their arms warmly around the shoulders of another monk. The Buddhas are young and old, male and female, Asian and Negro. Many figures are dancing and playing. A few ride an animal, such as a tiger, tortoise, elephant, bear or dragon. Baby Buddhas roost on the knees and shoulders of one large jolly fellow. Some monks are elaborately clothed, while others don only a waistcloth. Wild!

Startled, I realize I'm not using my own energy to climb. A fierce and foreboding force is catapulting me up the 500 slippery, dew-soaked steps of the hillside! At first, I zoom past each statue. Then the irresistible pull of familiarity draws me to sit and pray in front of each figure. I feel I once knew each Buddha personally--as a close friend or teacher! I flash on vivid scenes of me living tranquilly as a monk in other lives.

Rendezvous with Destiny

Yes, now I understand my attraction to these lively icons. Each Buddha radiates a different vibration, energy or feeling. Each Buddha represents a different mood or aspect of God. As I reach out to touch each statue, I'm infused with a tangible electrical current--the vibration of that particular Buddha's unique energy or spirit. The tingling sensation ripples through my whole body in orgasmic waves. As I connect with each successive Buddha, I dissolve more deeply into the Oneness of Being--and enter into a profound peace.

From each statue I receive a personal message, transmitted through touch and vibration. The communication from each Buddha is the same! They're all inviting me to choose to join them in their exalted ascended state. They speak to me of the serenity, freedom and lightness of letting go of attachment to worldly affairs. The Buddhas tell me they know that I've read about Chinese Mountain Men in my youth and have a lifelong yearning to follow in their footsteps. They're right on the button--I mean, Buddha! The blissful state they embody is my lifetime longing.

The time-honored tradition of the Mountain Men is that when a person has fully experienced having a family, business and worldly fame, he or she chooses to walk out of their town and up into the empty mountains to join Spirit in Oneness with Nature and God. The Buddhas whisper to me, "You know in your heart, it's time for you to prepare yourself to walk out of your worldly adventure into the spiritual realms of the Mountain Men." Yes, I'm shaken, scared and excited by their collective invitation! As I write this, I feel the blessing and allure of the Buddhas.

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

In the Land of Oz, where does the enticing road lead the Lion, Scarecrow and Tinman? Back to themselves--that is, back to ourselves! Back to our own Courage, Brain and Heart. Follow the feelings of familiarity in your life back to your own natural clarity and joy.

Your Hidden Portal to Peace

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Yoga and Meditation - Five Ways to Be Happy and Thrive in Life

!±8± Yoga and Meditation - Five Ways to Be Happy and Thrive in Life

If you feel blue, sad or angry at the way your life is going, it can be very difficult for you to see the good and beauty in life.

Our emotions influence the way we see life. Have you noticed that when you feel happy and good about yourself, life flows, friends who you have been thinking about phone, you get an unexpected bonus at work, your skin just glows, life is good. Even if you receive "bad news" you respond in a more positive, enlightened way. You can see the long term hidden benefit amongst the sadness.

However, when you feel low, maybe recovering from a bout of flu or going through a personal loss, life looks different. Whereas before you could smile and see the positive, the light in any situation, this time round, you only see the hurt, sorrow, maybe feel frustrated and have a great sense of injustice at the way life treats you.

Like me, I am sure you would prefer to be positive, to see through the trees and smile and see the fun in turbulent situations. If you are like me, I know you will have days where you get real frustrated with the pile of dirty laundry and clothes to iron, dishes in the sink, unpaid bills, maybe you have another baby on the way and wonder how you are going to find the money to pay for extra childcare or ask your boss for more child-friendly working hours.

Benefits of Yoga and Meditation
Learning to meditate or practice yoga provide you with easy tools and techniques you can use to keep your emotions balanced and energy levels high. In this state, you feel better and more able to stay focused, to do the work to achieve your dreams.

Five Ways To Be Happy and Thrive
From personal readings by inspirational authors such as Dr. Joe Vitale, Deepak Chopra and David Simon, James Arthur Ray, M. Scott Peck, Dr John Demartini, plus personal conversations with other women who I teach yoga and meditation, I have put together, a list of five ways regular yoga practice and meditation helps you to be happy and thrive in life.

1. Yoga and meditation keeps you grounded.
When you practice yoga and meditation, especially yoga standing poses, you gain a sense of connection, groundedness and power in your own physical strength and agility. When you feel physically strong, your mind is strengthen.

2. Yoga and meditation encourages you to nurture and care for yourself.
As you stretch your body and open your mind, you feel good. This sense of inner goodness is addictive, you want more. The more you practice, the more you consciously start to look at your life and do things which make you feel better yourself. For example, you may go to bed earlier, get more rest during the day, or spend more time doing creative pursuits which you enjoy.

3. Yoga and meditation feeds your soul.
The spiritual nature of meditation and yoga gives you the opportunity to go deep within yourself. As you practice you reconnect with your divine light and inner spark of joy. This feeds your soul. As you fill up you have energy to stay positive and be in the flow.

4. Yoga and meditation makes you "step up" in life.
With your increased physical strength, desire to care for yourself and feed your soul, your mind expands, what once seem impossible, out of your league, now feels attainable and reachable. You begin to feel able to "fake it till you make it" and "to live your dream life". Writing is my passion. I receive so much joy and clarity when I write, especially when I am able to share this passion with others to inspire them. That encourages me to "step-up" and to create more moments like this one. I am sure you will to.

5. Yoga and meditation empowers you to love yourself more
The words "...learning to love yourself, is the greatest love of all..." ring true the more you practice yoga and meditation. Meditation enables you to go within yourself and see the underlying reasons for your unhappiness and sense of frustration with life. Yoga practices, such as correct breathing exercises, body cleansing techniques, teaches you simple self-help tools to release stress and tension in your body and rebalance your energy. So when you feel blue, low you can quickly solve the situation yourself.

As you can see, regular yoga and meditation practice provides you with a range of easy and practical reasons to help you feel happy and thrive on a daily basis. Each day, as you grow stronger, you are more able to live a happier, more harmonious, and more abundant life.

Yoga and Meditation - Five Ways to Be Happy and Thrive in Life

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